Long John Silver's- ah, the crispy fish, the delicious slaw, the fantastic hushpuppies! And don't forget the extra basket of crumbs soaked in malt vinegar. In the 70's, a Long John Silvers opened not far from the house and I was absolutely in love with the trips there. Of course, the hats were fun, too. Nowadays, as fast food chains have consolidated and Long Johns is now part of the Pepsi/KFC/Taco Bell empire, the old style buildings are giving way to the combined KFC/TacoBell/Long Johns all-in-one style buildings which lack any distinct style. Unfortunately, changes were made and not for the better. The food is not really that good now and the price...well, let's just say that there are better values around. Check out this old commercial from the late 70's. Oh, Long John Silver's, I miss thee...